The Hidden Opportunity Costs of Concert Poster Auctions

When weighing the positives and negatives of selling your concert posters at auction, it’s imperative to understand all the hidden costs that are often overlooked.

The first thing to understand is that selling at auction often requires long waits and significant opportunity costs. Most auctions are spaced many months apart, and consignments are cut off well before the auction is held so lots can be cataloged. 

After the auction is held, payments are usually sent 3-4 weeks after the auction closes, further delaying when you get paid. While every situation is different, the average wait from the day you consign to an auction, to the day you get paid can easily be 3 months or more. 

Additionally, if you choose to get your posters independently authenticated and graded by CGC, the current fees and wait times are highly prohibitive. For posters valued up to $1,000, CGC currently charges $85.00 per poster, plus postage and insurance each way to CGC.

For posters valued up to $3,000 CGC currently charges $130 per poster plus postage and insurance each way to CGC. Most alarming, is CGC currently estimates a wait time of 7-8 months to get your posters graded, not including the shipping time back and forth to CGC!

Clearly, selling at auction is not for the person looking to receive their money right away. The opportunity costs associated with sitting on the sidelines of our fast moving markets and world should not be overlooked. We’ve all learned the future is uncertain.

Wars, pandemics, stock market crashes, and other unforeseen surprises can appear out of nowhere, foiling your best laid plans. The funds you seek for a new opportunity today may not be there many months down the line when you finally get paid for your auction consignment.

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.

Fact: Selling Concert Posters at Auction Requires You to Find TWO Buyers for Each Item- NOT ONE!


ALERT! The Buyer’s Fee in Concert Poster Auctions is Paid by YOU – The Seller!