Understanding Rarity and Vintage Concert Poster Values

When it comes to all collectibles, there are two types of rarity- 1) Conditional rarity and 2) Inherent rarity. Both types of rarity are critical drivers of value, and in the “rare” instances (pun intended) that a collectible possess both types of rarity, fortunes can be made! 

Conditional rarity means that a poster is rare in the condition in which it has been preserved. 

For example, collectors may know that 2500 of a specific concert poster was originally created in 1967. Additionally, collectors may estimate that out of the 2500 posters, perhaps 250 have survived in any condition today. Furthermore, of these 250 surviving specimens, just 6-8 are known to exist in undamaged, mint condition. 

These 6-8 undamaged mint condition specimens would be considered conditionally rare and collectors would value them far higher than the other 240+ relatively common damaged specimens.

A collectible can also be inherently rare. 

This term pertains to a collectible that is all but impossible to find in any condition! An example of this would be a concert poster that was originally produced in a quantity of 100 in 1967. Of those 100, just 4-5 are known to exist today in any condition.

Because of this inherent rarity, collectors would value this poster far higher than the poster mentioned above from the same year where 250 are estimated to exist.

Every once in a while, lightning strikes and a collectible is both conditionally rare and inherently rare!

Let’s go back to the example of a concert poster that was created in 1967 in an issuance of 100. Of the 100, just 4-5 specimens are known to still exist in any condition, making all 4-5 specimens inherently rare. 

But wait…it gets even better!

Of the 4-5 known surviving specimens, just one is known to have survived in undamaged, mint condition. This concert poster is the rarest and most coveted of all collectibles, a poster that is both inherently rare and conditionally rare! 

If you have a poster that fits this description, you have hit the proverbial collectible jackpot. Let the celebration begin!

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.


There has never been a better time to sell your vintage concert posters!


Which Vintage Concert Posters Are Historically important…and Valuable!